Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I’m a type of person who likes to stay at home. If I have no class, I'm just stuck in my room, watch TV, surf the net, eat, sleep, text and play with my brothers. I’m not use of going out and socialize with other people in our block.. . With my sched? Lucky you are if u saw me on the street where the sun is still hanging up..    
        When I was a child I only had few playmates, and those few people are just my relatives. We are not allowed to play outside our house. We can do whatever we want just as long as we are inside our house. With this, I didn’t have the chance to have friends in our place. I didn’t experience the fun with the children in our community. I didn’t have the chance to run, play, and laugh with them.
            When I entered elementary, I promised myself to find more friends. Thank God I found some. We play, run, and laugh together. And as I grow up, I've met more people with different attitudes, and started making friends with them. Having many friends is so overwhelming to the heart. Having true friend in your life gives you a sense of security, and fulfillment, because when you’re down, you know that there is someone willing to catch you, encourage and help you stand again.    
             Now, that I’ve grown up, I can say that because of my friends, I am what I am today. Through their advices and cheers, I survived the struggles that life has given me. They gave color to a once sad and lonely life of mine. Without them, my life is boring. I know that we can make this friendship stronger with the help of God. True friendship is one that the Lord grants to those who love each other in Him.
            Maybe i should gain some balls to make friends with people. Come out of my shell and introduce myself to the world. It is not about how best you can be but it is how true you can be as a friend. With this I can say that friends are the best collectibles.
(July 20,2009)

*this was my homework in Theology 101(i think?.. cause its speaks about 10 Augustinian Values..hehe) 
the feeling is like "oh my , this is me 2 years ago.. and now. i'm quiet different.. (my friends can justify that.. ) :)))

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